Welcome to Speechbloguk!
We’re so happy to have you here. This site is a quickly growing one-stop shop for information, resources and advice on helping children with speech and language difficulties at home or at school.
Are you a teacher, TA or SENCO trying to support children with a range of difficulties in the classroom?
Are you a parent who is trying to understand your child’s difficulties and how to help?
Are you a busy speech therapist with a caseload that’s far too large and not enough time to source good resources to help the families and schools you work with?
We’re here to help! Want to get started straightaway? Click on one of the links below:-
During our 15 years+ each of experience working as speech and language therapists, we have learnt that good information and resources to help children with speech and language difficulties can be hard to find. We wished there was a website we could send families and schools to which would have links to everything they need to help the children they are working with. We couldn’t find one, so we built it!
More about us:-


We both work with children with a wide range of needs from 18 months to 11 years of age. We both have a particular interest in working with children with phonological (speech sound) difficulties and DLD (developmental language disorder). We both work full-time in independent practice, although we worked for the NHS for many years. We are passionate about improving speech and language skills through everyday life and through the school curriculum as well as within therapy sessions.
Contact us:-
Please feel free to contact us at speechbloguk@gmail.com
The boring but important bit:-
We will link to other websites, blogs and resources. We take no responsibility for the content of other sites.
All the content on the site is copyrighted to us unless otherwise stated.
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– We only hold basic data about you such as your name and email address which we collect when you contact us.
– We make every effort to protect your information and won’t store it for longer than we need to.
– To provide some of our services we do need to share data with third parties. For example, our courses are run through Zenler. We have made every effort to ensure that these platforms are GDPR compliant.
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– We use email addresses for the purpose of sending out free content that we think you might find useful. We also send occasional information about our products including information about sales etc.
Lovely to see this blog. My son is having speech therapy at the moment, so I’ll be reading with interest.
Thank you for the lovely comment. I hope everything goes well for your son. If there is any general advice you would like to see on our blog, do let us know!
I am a speech-language pathologist in northTexas, U.S. and find your blog an interesting place to read more about our practice overseas. Thank you for sharing. I don’t have a blog but invite you to view my therapy idea boards at http://www.pinterest.com/happygirl1397 Take care!
Hi Katie. SLP/SLT seems to be quite different in the USA and here, but it’s great to be able to share ideas and learn from each other. I like your Pinterest board – I’m following it! Thanks for stopping by.
I love your blog. I am head of SLCN centre at secondary school. New to role so love the advice.. Keep it coming.
Glad you’re finding it useful. Let us know if there’s anything in particular you’d like us to write about!
I have come across this from a review you guys did on the orchard toys website. My son is 3 and we are currently under going speech therapy so im eager to see what you guys have to say and hope you offer some light at the end of the tunnel xx
Hi Helen. Hope you find some useful information here. Try the “Start Here” page – we have so much here now that it can be difficult to locate the bit you want. Also, if you sign up to our email list you will get a free e-book entitled “Help! My toddler isn’t talking!” that you may find useful. Best wishes to you and your son.
Im a speech language therapist in a pre-prep school and loving your blog, so helpful. Im new to the UK and wanted to ask if you know if both the TOLD and CELF is valid if normed in the US and used with children in the UK? I trust these tests and want to use them for language assessment. I know the CELF has a UK version but its often sold out. Thank you 🙂
Hi. Glad you’re enjoying the blog and welcome to the UK! Our immediate thought is that you can use them but you should state in the report that they were not standardized on UK children and this may have some impact on scores. It might be worth checking this with the publisher though – Pearson are the publisher for the CELF-4 (we don’t have the 5 here yet). Not sure who publishes the TOLD. Hope this helps a little.
The ‘add to cart’ button for the g photo cards does not show up.
Thanks for letting us know – we have fixed this now.
Hi- I’ve recently found your blog and as another independent SLT I’d just like to say thank you for your generosity in sharing resources and ideas with SLTs and parents alike! Really inspiring.