This post is in response to a question that someone asked. We had an email from someone on our mailing list who asked how they could encourage their child to imitate speech sounds. Here are some ideas. Start by copying them. Copy what your child does and the sounds that they make. This is something we […]
Posts in category Speech
Mumbling or unclear speech is something that we come across most frequently with school aged children. They normally have all the expected speech sounds, but when chatting are just harder to understand. Some may speak quietly, others may speak too quickly, but overall they are just mumbling! This reduced intelligibility can stop children participating in […]
Teaching f vs th par...
Last week, Elizabeth started explaining how to help children who find the ‘th’ sound difficult. First of all, we need to work out exactly what the problem is, then the child needs to practise listening to the f and th sounds when you say them to make sure that they can consistently identify which one […]