Helen wrote earlier in the week about my posts, so today I am going to return the favour! We have both found it interesting to see which posts get the most hits and which ones don’t, as it’s not always what we expect!
Helen’s highest ranked post was Generalising speech sounds which has gained over 1000 hits already. This was a great post, mainly aimed at parents, that gives advice about how to help your child carry over sounds they have learnt in therapy to their everyday speech. It talks about the different stages and how best to help your child. This is a theme that comes up regularly and one that many parents ask about. I find it interesting that our two most viewed posts are both about speech sounds and talking clearly.
Helen picked her favourite post and chose “The reason I jump” book review. When writing posts that give advice, it can be hard to add your own personal style to the writing. However, when reviewing or talking more informally about what we do, you can use your own style. Helen enjoyed writing this post and having more scope in her writing. It is also a pleasure to review fantastic writing! I know I want to read the book after reading Helen’s review.
My favourite post of Helen’s is learning by experience. I found it hard to pick just one, but this one stands out. For me this post highlights 2 important things; learning by doing is key for all children and the genuine importance of play in children’s development.
Which were your favourites?
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