Something that has come up a few times this week with the parents and teaching assistants I have spoken to revolves around what children can and can’t do. For example I was talking about the concepts of hard versus soft and the TA said he couldn’t do it. So the first question I ask is […]
Posts tagged preschool
Top Tips ………for stammering by Elizab...
You might hear lots of different words and terminology being used; stammering, stuttering, dysfluency or even normal non-fluency. They are all referring to the repetition of sounds, syllables, words and sometimes phrases when someone talks. Sometimes the sound can be elongated or exaggerated rather than repeated and sometimes the person may not be able […]
Special Needs Jun...
We’re really excited today that our first guest blog post has been published on the fabulous Special Needs Jungle website. This website is a wonderful resource for parents trying to negotiate their way through the Statementing process and we were really pleased to be asked to contribute a guest blog post. We have written giving […]
Top Tips……… For speaking clearly by Elizab...
Many children have difficulty saying certain sounds clearly. Sometimes, it is a normal developmental stage and will improve on its own; at other times they may require some direct help from a Speech Therapist. Parents often ask what they can do at home to help. Eating Talking and eating use many of the same muscles, […]
Children say the funniest things! by Elizab...
Working with children never gets boring! They say some of the funniest, most random things and I love it! Christmas always provokes some great insights and comments. Here are a few of my favourites. One young man, of about 6 had been learning about the birth of Jesus and the story of the nativity. He had […]
First words by He...
I love telling people what I do for a living, as it can start off some really interesting conversations. The initial comments are usually fairly predictable (usually, “I’d better talk properly then” or “do you see people who stammer then?”). However as the conversation progresses, many people are surprised when they find out what I […]