“Vocabulary levels are strong predictors of later literacy skills. They predict not only how well children will develop reading comprehension, but also their phonological awareness and phonic knowledge. Vocabulary level at age five has been found to be the single best predictor of whether a child brought up in poverty will escape poverty in adult […]
Posts tagged primary school
Auditory memory strateg...
Memory is a complex thing and has been the subject of lots of research. We all find some types of information easier to remember than others. Some people are great at remembering faces, others seem to have an almost inexhaustible capacity to remember dates. I’m sure most people reading this can identify things they find […]
Classroom observations by He...
Over the past few weeks, I have been into several schools/nurseries to observe children. It’s something speech and language therapists often do, especially at the assessment stage, but I can understand that it probably seems like a strange thing to spend a session doing, sitting and watching! So I thought today I’d write about what […]
Word-finding by He...
Many of the children I work with (especially those at junior age) have difficulty with word-finding. This is something that we all experience occasionally, so I think everyone reading this will be able to identify with how frustrating it can be at times. You know that “tip of the tongue” feeling that you get sometimes […]
Understanding your child’s speech and language therapy report part 6: Social ski...
This is the sixth and final part of our series on understanding your child’s speech and language therapy report. Check out parts one, two, three, four and five if you missed them. Today focusses on social skills (or pragmatic language). This is a huge area, so this will only be a very brief whistle-stop tour […]
Vocabulary Linky by He...
Today we are joining in with the Linky started by Jenna at Speech Room News. The question is about our top 5 resources for working on vocabulary. This is a great question as I spend a lot of time doing vocabulary work. So many children with receptive and expressive language problems of all ages have […]
Understanding your child’s speech and language therapy report – Part ...
Are you listening….. Then I’ll begin – by Elizabeth Last week Helen started writing about the terminology we use when writing reports. Although we all try hard to explain ourselves as clearly as we can, we still have to use a certain amount of technical vocabulary, and things that make perfect sense to us may […]