10 tips for early langu...
Hearing your child talk for the first time is a very special milestone moment for most parents – especially the moment they first say “mummy” or “daddy”! For most children this seems to happen effortlessly. This isn’t always the case though. Some children take a bit longer to pick up language skills. Whether your child […]
Using Bonfire Night in therapy sessi...
I know not everyone likes fireworks and that the actual reason we celebrate Bonfire Night is tricky, so this post may not be for everyone. But I love this time of year, except the getting dark really early bit! There are so many different things happening that prove to be great opportunities for discussion with […]
How to work on language while hiding ro...
How to improve language skills while hiding rocks Have you joined in with the latest craze of painting and hiding rocks? We have. My daughter’s two favourite things are art and rocks so it is an activity which seems to have been designed specifically for her! We have all had great fun painting them. Also, […]
Why you should sign with children and how to st...
Should you sign with your child? This is a something that I often get asked about. Often people want to focus on verbal language and think that signing with a child will hold their speech back. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth! Here are some of the reasons why signing can help a […]
5 tips to help a child with word-finding difficult...
Many of the children I work with (especially those at junior and secondary age) have word-finding difficulties. It’s a term you often see written in speech therapy reports. But what exactly does this mean and how can you help? What is a word-finding difficulty? Basically, a word-finding difficulty is exactly what it sounds like – […]
How to teach colo...
I know that many parents worry about their child learning colour words. I do understand that many nurseries like a child to know their letters, numbers and colours. But as a speech and language therapist, checking if a child knows their colours is not the first thing on my list! I want to make sure […]