One thing that we do quite a lot of as speech therapists in Britain is writing targets and programmes for school staff and/or parents to work on. I am fortunate enough to see most of my clients on a weekly or fortnightly basis now, as I work independently. Even before that, I did quite a […]
Posts tagged secondary school
Narrative therapy – emotions and dialo...
This is the next in our series of posts about narrative therapy. If you have missed the other posts, do check out these links – introduction, who, where, when, what happened. In the last post in this series, Elizabeth talked about the “what happened” of the story. Obviously this is quite a large portion of […]
Teaching emotion wo...
We all struggle to talk about how we feel. It’s complicated and often difficult to find the words that most clearly express what we want to say. This is even more difficult for children, and especially children with language difficulties. There are so many words to describe feelings and they often have subtly different meanings […]
Multiple meaning wo...
As children move through school often their language difficulties can sometimes become more subtle. At first glance they seem to be able to respond to questions and can express themselves in longer sentences, but when things become more complex they can start to become confused. One of the things that can particularly trip up children […]
How to support children with language difficulties in ex...
Exams are a reality for every child going through education. Things have changed a lot in recent years and a lot is done through teacher assessment and coursework, but sooner or later, everyone has to pass an exam. This is a stressful situation for any student, but a child with a language difficulty has even […]
Word Aw...
“Vocabulary levels are strong predictors of later literacy skills. They predict not only how well children will develop reading comprehension, but also their phonological awareness and phonic knowledge. Vocabulary level at age five has been found to be the single best predictor of whether a child brought up in poverty will escape poverty in adult […]
Auditory memory strateg...
Memory is a complex thing and has been the subject of lots of research. We all find some types of information easier to remember than others. Some people are great at remembering faces, others seem to have an almost inexhaustible capacity to remember dates. I’m sure most people reading this can identify things they find […]
Word-finding by He...
Many of the children I work with (especially those at junior age) have difficulty with word-finding. This is something that we all experience occasionally, so I think everyone reading this will be able to identify with how frustrating it can be at times. You know that “tip of the tongue” feeling that you get sometimes […]