The summer holidays have already arrived for some, and for others are only a day or so away – HOORAY! One thing many parents have asked me this week is how can we keep working on speech and language skills over the 6 week break? So we thought we would continue with our series – […]
Posts tagged language games
Vocabulary Linky by He...
Today we are joining in with the Linky started by Jenna at Speech Room News. The question is about our top 5 resources for working on vocabulary. This is a great question as I spend a lot of time doing vocabulary work. So many children with receptive and expressive language problems of all ages have […]
Using Myfirstapp’s in therapy – by Elizab...
Myfirstapp make a great range of apps for younger children. They are given an age rating and graded in nice small steps. The apps are free to install and you normally get two playable levels with the download. You would then need to purchase the rest of levels-£1.49 for another 10 levels. I find […]