It may still be November, but some of the schools I visit are already starting to practise their Christmas plays. So I thought I would write about how to make plays and assemblies more accessible for children with speech and language difficulties. Every child should be included; you might juts have to think laterally about a […]
Posts tagged primary school
Attention and listening for school aged child...
Last week Helen wrote about attention and listening skills in younger, preschool children. You can read that post with some great ideas and strategies here. When children get older and start school, good listening skills are a key factor in academic progress. If you can’t listen to information and instructions, learning is much harder. By […]
Irregular past tense verbs – Ideas on how to teach t...
Before Christmas, Helen wrote a post about teaching children to use the regular past tense. Once the child has mastered this, the next fun step is all the irregular verbs! As with nearly all grammatical rules in English there are always exceptions. We didn’t ‘blowed’ out the candles on the birthday cake yesterday we didn’t ‘sleeped’ and […]
It’s raining cats and dogs! – Ideas for teaching idio...
Well, in typical British bank holiday form, it is indeed raining cats and dogs today! But I thought I would grab the bull by the horns, put pen to paper and write this post. These are just some of the fantastic idioms we have in the English language and that can cause real confusion for children […]
Narrative therapy – ...
A little while ago, Elizabeth posted an introduction to narrative therapy – what it is, why it’s important and some suggested resources to help work on these skills. You can read that post here. There, she talks specifically about the Black Sheep narrative packs. These packs use a particular framework for teaching narrative. Who? Where? […]
How to be a terrific ...
One of the parts of my job that I really enjoy is working with a range of different people, in different settings and of different professions. I truly believe that multidisciplinary working is the way forward for both children and professionals. I was talking through a programme with a particularly fantastic TA in one of […]
How to support a child with starting sch...
At this time of year, the summer holidays are in sight! All my sessions start getting moved around to accommodate school trips, exams and transition days. As I remember from last year, if you have a child in their preschool year, you start to realise that starting school really is only a couple of months […]